Memorial Day is the unofficial start of summer, and nothing says "summer" better than a picnic with friends. Since actual picnics outside are complicated by potentially unpredictable contributions from Nature (bugs, dirt, humidity), I invited a group of friends from church to join me for a picnic in my apartment (where Nature is neatly cultivated in pots on the balcony).
I provided pasta salad and the fixin's for sandwiches; the others pitched in with fruit, vegetables, dessert and, of course, lemonade, the offical beverage of picnics. The food was tasty and the company fun. Seems to me we should plan more activities this summer . . . beach trip anyone?
Eric, Melyssa, Jen |
Michelle and Nate |
Jon and Somelea |
Checkerboard chocolate cake! |
Chincoteague here we come!! :)
Yes, please!
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