Saturday, February 9, 2013

Ladyfood, caveman style

So.  You're a caveman.  You're all fit from crossfitting and eating mastodons and birdseed and stuff, and you get invited to a potluck with your team so that you can score some points and beat the competition.  What do you bring?

The answer isn't obvious.  Especially when the hostess is making some famous chili recipe and everyone else is bringing steak and stuffed peppers and paleo brownies and homemade coconut-milk icecream with fresh blueberries. 

Your first instinct will be to attempt that pad thai recipe again, but then Whole Foods will still not have any coconut aminos, and you'll decide that it's better to let that one go than risk another meltdown in the Asian food aisle.  Instead, you'll do something simple and delicious and not very cavemanlike:  Ladyfood.

Specifically, quiche.  Quiche!  Mmmm.

Thanks to the PaleOMG blog, you find a recipe that looks delicious and doesn't require any fancy-pants ingredients.  It does have a weird take on the crust -- replacing the typical flaky pastry crust (which isn't allowed in the paleo regime) with a "crust" made of ground meat -- but hey, isn't this all about trying new things?  Within minutes you're pressing your mild Italian sausage into pie-crust form and sauteeing your sweetpotatoes and garlic.  And then it's only a matter of time before you're pulling it out of the oven and letting it cool, all warm and delicious-smelling, on your kitchen counter.  Cinderella's ready for the ball! 

And boy, talk about the belle of the ball!  Any doubts I had about making a quiche, especially one with a crust made of meat, flew out the window as soon as folks started serving themselves.  Before touching any other dish on the table, everyone made a beeline for the quiche.  It was like they were racing to make sure they got some before it was gone.  And gone it soon was.  The little that remained after the first round was snarfed up when people went back for seconds.  More than one person said it was their favorite dish of the night; I was the only person who went home with an empty pan.  That's my idea of a successful potluck dish.

I can't take credit for coming up with the recipe, but I will take credit for finding it and executing well!




Anonymous said...

Wow! Congrats! Lady

Mary said...

Well done, my friend.